Why it is a Good Idea to be Proactive About Your Underground Infrastructure.

Many times, repeatedly we come across sewer lines, that are so compromised that they have the bottom of the pipe missing which ultimately leads to whatever is flowing through those pipes to find its way into the soil. Over time that compromises the environment and also leads to the soil washing away and can create massive voids underground that can lead to low spots in the ground or can even lead to structural issues throughout your property or facility.

At H&M Underground Solutions we recommend contacting us at 844-546-4644 and seeing if creating a sewer drain program could benefit you or not. We would start with a meeting about current issues you may be having and see if there is anything we can tend to immediately, if not we would continue with going through your current blueprints of the facility and continue to make them digital to help us once we continue to the field to start to televise the entire underground facility. Whilst doing this we would record and save every video of every line while we are locating the camera as it maneuvers through your underground sewer. This helps us remap the sewer lines to a complete and more accurate map of your underground infrastructure. Upon completion of the assessment on-site, we will continue onto processing all of the videos and creating condition reports for every pipe we assessed. Once all is said and done we will have multiple sets of maps consisting of a recommended repair map with timelines to reassess or rehabilitate certain pipes, condition reports for every map and solutions and strategies to rehabilitate your pipe.